Co-design of products and
supply of moulds.
More than just a supplier.

Not just production, but complementary services in the true sense. Starting with the co-design of products which can be carried out on commission and on the specific request of the client.

In fact, part of our staff is specialised in design and is able to design products and create objects based on their final use.

Finally we can take care of the design and production of moulds developed ad hoc for the client as well as prototyping carried out using different techniques: from 3D printing to the most evolved laser sintering systems or silicone moulding.

Internal Flow

High technical expertise

Gienne Plast was established to bring a high level of technical competence to the plastic moulding and processing sector. Knowledge of materials and above all investments in machinery are the two cornerstones on which we have built a working method different to that of most of our competitors.


This is one of the company's essential characteristics: flexible while at the same time specialised. Flexible because we are able to work on different types of products; specialised because above all we are focused on the processing and moulding of plastics.


This may appear strange, and yet it is essential. Culture, meaning an understanding of the materials and the business dynamics of our clients, constitutes an added value for the client who knows he can interact with a supplier not only capable of carrying out the work, but also of providing consultancy on products and advice on production methods.


Since the day it was founded, Gienne Plast has focused on technology and it has presented itself as an avant-garde business capable of applying processes which are typical to other sectors to its own market sphere. Today, this characteristics is even more important and investments in technology constitute a decisive element in company growth.

Product testing and assessment

This is the final stage of the process, one not every company is able to offer. The evaluation of samples and then of products involves an analysis of the real measurements and adherence to the original project. The evaluation stage may envisage, if requested, also strength testing or more in-depth specific analysis.


Consultancy and product design can be provided at the client's request. A service which allows clients to trust us, our in-depth knowledge of the materials used and the methods for processing them, and our ability, thanks to a design culture and the technology available, to take care of product design needs. Thus providing a truly complete service.